I was debating the other day , do I build another ship ? Or instead ,how about a scratchbuilt automobile? I have four of the old REVELL parts pak interior sets .I also have plenty of EVERGREEN sheet in various thicknesses .I have wheels falling out of containers as well as tires and engines includung a few turbines (complete) from the old JO-HAN turbine car kits .These were semi glue bombs that loaned their parts to custom builds . Now do I go as far ahead as the AMT Car of the future?, you know ,the AMTRONIC. There,s a few ideas floating around in this timeworn grey matter between my ears . I know how abut this , what say a scratchbuilt 57 FORD FAIRLANE 500 ? Oh , that,s right I have four of those in kit form already . Well, how about a STATION WAGON? CUSTOM , using CORVAIR power and cab over type body style .There you go .Now what frame shall I use ? I bought a box of parts some time back.It had frames ,suspensions etc.And two of the frames were the chrome ones from the parts pak sets.They are complete too . Do you find yourself in this quandry very often .I have tried that "MINDLESS BUILDS" thing as suggested in the magazine . Hmmm. That,s why I have all those old repops. Well , ponder the message .There is always something we can build ,we just have to want to . good luck on yours oldcarguy
Source: http://cs.scaleautomag.com/SCACS/forums/thread/969277.aspx
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